Hill Vellacott raise an incredible £3000 to support the work of White Ribbon NI

We are grateful for the amazing fundraising work by Hill Vellacott who are a Belfast based chartered accountancy firm . They have raised an incredible £3000 to aid our work in ending violence against women and girls in Northern Ireland by running as a relay team in the @belfastcitymarathon 

Among many negative effects, domestic violence and sexual harassment interfere with women’s full and equal participation in the workforce.
Beyond meeting legal requirements for policies around work place harassment and signposting procedures , businesses have a tremendous opportunity to help shift cultural norms.

Every workplace conversation, policy and action has the potential to either reinforce or challenge the attitudes and beliefs which perpetuate violence against women.

Thank you to the Hill Vellacott team for all your commitment and support.

#vawg #whiteribbon #makethepledge #thankyou